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Whom can we trust?

Writer's picture: Steffan JobSteffan Job

A Christmas Message of Hope

2024 has been a year of change, with over a billion people heading to the polling stations in over fifty countries. One of the key topics across each of these elections has been trust. It was certainly true in our UK general election as we searched for someone we could trust to tell the truth, act with integrity and do a good job. Trust seems at a low ebb these days as inequality grows and promises are broken. It is difficult not to feel disappointed, cynical and let down. Is there anyone we can trust, and is there hope not only for society but for our own lives and souls?

The good news is that there is hope. Our hope is not found in changing our outward circumstances or leaders, nor is it found in trying to improve ourselves.

There is hope because Christmas shows that God is real

The life of Jesus shows that God is real. Eyewitnesses have written accounts of his life, his interactions with real people and his miracles. You can read about them in the Bible. Worldwide, millions of people believe Jesus is the Son of God and experience a relationship with God in their day-to-day lives. Will you ask him to show himself to you?

There is hope because Christmas shows that God understands us

We have all experienced brokenness in this world but God did not stay away from a broken world. Jesus joined himself to humanity by becoming one of us, a baby, born in Bethlehem. He grew into a man and faced a life of poverty and hate. Although he was good in every way, he was abandoned by his friends and murdered by his enemies. Jesus understands what it is like to live in this broken world and he can sympathise. Will you turn to him today and share your struggles with him?

There is hope because Christmas shows that God loves us

God did not have to send his son Jesus into this world to suffer; he did it because he loves us. He knew it was the only way to save us and this demonstrates how much God values each one of us. Will you learn more about God’s love for you?

There is hope because Christmas shows that God wants to save us

Let’s be honest; we are all far away from God who is holy and perfect. We have all had wrong thoughts and done wrong things. Maybe your conscience is telling you that today. But God does not want to turn any of us away. Jesus came into this world to take the punishment we deserve by dying on the cross. When he came back to life three days later, it proved he had won! He promises to save us if we ask him for forgiveness for the wrong things we have done. In the Christmas story, this is why the angels told the shepherds that Jesus’ birth was such good news. This forgiveness is open to all – it doesn’t matter who we are or what we’ve done. Will you speak honestly with God today and ask his forgiveness?

There is hope because Christmas shows that God transforms lives

The wise men who came to see the baby Jesus had so much including wealth and status, yet they were looking for more. Their lives were transformed as they knelt in worship with their gifts. Although we’re not promised an easy life, when a person trusts in Jesus, they are given a joy and a new life, and everything changes. They know God, and can face every uncertainty in this world knowing that God will not leave them. He speaks to them and will safely bring them home to heaven.

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.’ Jesus’ words found in the Bible (Matthew 11)



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